Dhairya Patel

DevOps Engineer Supporting Infrastructure (AWS, Azure, Linux), DevOps (Build & Release Management) with strong background on web applications, middleware, and databases.

👉 dhairya00798@gmail.com

Skills & Qualifications

Tech stack

Docker, Kubernetes
Jenkins, Github Actions, Azure CICD, Gitlab CICD
AWS, Azure
Terraform, Ansible
Prometheus, Grafana, Elasticsearch(ELK Stack)

Work History


07/2022 - Present

Making scalable AWS infrastructure with terraform.

  • Working with microservices applications.
  • Migrating old infrastructure to new microserviceses based infrastructure.
  • Creating and managing infrastructure with Terraform and Managing servers with Ansible playbooks.
  • Managing 4 aws accounts by connecting them to transit gateway and private subnets.
  • Creating Docker images for services and deploying them on aws ecs.
  • CICD pipelines with aws codebuild and codepipeline for frontendapplications.
  • Monitoring servers and ecs with prometheus and grafana.
  • Implemented ELK stack(Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana) forlogging and also using cloudwatch.
  • Connecting mongodb clusters with VPC peering to aws privatesubnets.
  • Experienced aws services are ALB, Cloudfront, S3, EC2, ECS, ECR, Cloudwatch, EBS, EFS, VPC, Lambda. Deploying frontend application from s3 bucket to cloudfront.
🚧 Freelancer

06/2021 - 06/2022

DevOps Freelancer working closely with creating infrastructure.

  • Implementation of CI/CD pipeline involving Github Actions, Jenkins, Ansible and Docker for complete automation from commit to deployment.
  • Mastery in Ansible for automation of configuration management and Terraform for provisioning Infrastructure on cloud.
  • Experienced in creating, configuring and maintaining Infrastructure on AWS Cloud services including Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), EC2, RDS, S3, Route53, SNS, CloudFront, CloudWatch and IAM.


HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification (06/23-06/25)

Projects & Accomplishments